Services & Amenities
Customer Services
At Harbour Town we are committed to bringing you excellence in customer service by providing you with a range of facilities to make your visit more convenient and comfortable. These include:
- Air conditioned Customer Service and Tourism Lounge including;
- Seating, TV / DVD
- Microwave, Coffee & Tea making facilities
- WA Tourism brochures and transport information
- Coach drop off and pick up zone
- Complimentary taxi phone service
- Gift Certificates
- Lost and Found Property
- Prayer Room
Other general facilities in the centre include:
- Toilets on ground floor and first level
- Disabled toilets
Parents room
Parking Facilities
Harbour Town Perth has over 800 paid parking bays available on site. The car park is open during the centre trading hours and the rates are as follows:
0-1 Hour .... $4.00
1-2 Hours .... $4.00
2-3 Hours .... $4.00
3-4 Hours .... $6.00
4-5 Hours .... $10.00
5-6 Hours .... $13.00
6-7 Hours .... $17.00
7-8 Hours .... $25.00
8 + Hours .... $25.00
Maximum Daily Fee - $25.00
NB: Parking tariffs may increase without notice. Please contact Centre Management if you wish to clarify the exact tariffs prior to visiting.
Complimentary for Loan
- Wheelchairs
- Motorised Scooters
Toddler Strollers
Services For Those With Disabilities
- Disabled Toilets
- Designated disabled parking
- Lift access
Complimentary wheelchair and scooter loan
Have a question? We're at your service!
Visit the Customer Service Lounge where our friendly, knowledgeable staff will answer your questions.
Automated Teller Machines
For your convenience an Rediteller ATM's are located on the ground floor at the main entrance.
Credit Cards/ Foreign Exchange
Most retailers will accept major international credit cards as well as EFTPOS.